Quite simply, I’m an individual with a passion for the night sky but limited by being in an urban setting. Growing up I could still go out into the front yard and see the Milky Way on clear nights if I walked to the end of the street. This is simply impossible now with the persistent growth of light pollution over the years. The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) is an excellent resource to learn about light pollution, how it affects human, animals and even plant life, and what we can do to minimize it.
What little exposure I’ve had to truly dark skies has been limited to camping trips decades ago and to hours long drives I’ve made for the soul purpose of experiencing the night sky. The advent of digital photography and computerized telescopes has made imaging much more attainable which caught my attention decades ago. While my professional career and having kids slowed that interest down, it never went away. This is how I chose to share that fascination.